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Server Install/Config

In order for apps to use Db2 for i with Mapepire clients from their runtimes, the Daemon must be installed and started-up on each IBM i. This is a simple process and there are many ways to achieve it.


Terminal window
yum install mapepire-server

(if you need help getting started with RPMs, please see

Option 2: manual installation

  1. Make a “download” directory on IBM i by running the following from an SSH terminal:
Terminal window
mkdir -p /opt/download
  1. Download the distribution zip file (filename will look something like from the release page and save it to the download directory you created. Rename the file to

If you have wget installed and have internet access, you could use wget to download the file from IBM i, for instance (replace with proper version):

Terminal window
cd /opt/download
wget -O
  1. Unzip the file and reset ownership/permissions
Terminal window
mkdir -p /opt/mapepire
cd /opt/mapepire
jar xvf /opt/download/
chown -R qsys .
  1. Start it up. There are more options below if you are not using Service Commander with manual installation.
Terminal window
cd /opt/mapepire/lib/mapepire
## Start
sc start mapepire.yaml
## Check it's running
sc check mapepire.yaml
## Stop
sc stop mapepire.yaml
## Check it's stopped
sc check mapepire.yaml


After installing the Daemon, you must start it up once. The good news, is once it has started up, it can be just left running.

If you are running the RPM version of the mapepire server, you can install service commander (yum install service-commander) and use it to start the mapepire service:

Terminal window
sc start mapepire

Manual shell invocation (RPM-installed version)

Terminal window
nohup /QOpenSys/pkgs/bin/mapepire &

Manual shell invocation (manually-installed version)

Terminal window
nohup /opt/mapepire/bin/mapepire &


Port configuration

By default, the port used by the Mapepire server is 8076. It is not recommended to change it. If needed, however, the port can be manipulated with the PORT environment variable, or if using Service Commander, by changing the port number in the check_alive field of the server definition.

Terminal window
scedit mapepire

TLS configuration

Option 1: Let’s Encrypt certificates

If you are using LetsEncrypt certificates, for instance generated by CertBot, the Mapepire server will automatically use the server certificate, assuming they exist at the following location used by CertBot:


Option 2: Custom certificate

You can define a custom certificate by configuring a certificate store with the following requirements:

file name/QOpenSys/etc/mapepire/cert/server.jks
store passwordmapepire
key passwordmapepire
certificate aliasmapepire

For example, the following commands will use DCM Tools and keytool to export and use a certificate from the *SYSTEM DCM store.

Terminal window
dcmexport --password=changeit --dcm-store=system --format=pkcs12 mystore.p12
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore mystore.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -srcstorepass changeit -srcalias "mydcmalias" -destkeystore /QOpenSys/etc/mapepire/cert/server.jks -deststoretype JKS -deststorepass mapepire -destkeypass mapepire -destalias mapepire

Option 3: Self-signed certificate

If no certificate is otherwise configured, the Mapepire server will automatically generate its own self-signed certificate!

Exit Points

Yes, Mapepire will use the same exit points as typical JDBC application.

See more on this IBM Support page.