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Full API docs can be found on the client SDK project page, but the basics are summarized here.

Using Db2 for IBM i with Python is easy. First, install the package:

Terminal window
pip install mapepire-python

next, setup the server credentials used to connect to the server. One way to do this is to create a mapepire.ini file in the root of your project with the following content:


The following script sets up a DaemonServer object that will be used to connect with the Server Component. Then a single SQLJob is created to facilitate the connection from the client side.

import configparser
from mapepire_python.client.sql_job import SQLJob
from mapepire_python.data_types import DaemonServer
config = configparser.ConfigParser()'mapepire.ini')
creds = DaemonServer(
with SQLJob(creds) as sql_job:
with sql_job.query("select * from sample.employee") as query:
result =

Here is the output from the script above:


The results object is a JSON object that contains the metadata and data from the query. Here are the different fields returned:

  • id field contains the query ID
  • has_results field indicates whether the query returned any results
  • update_count field indicates the number of rows updated by the query (-1 if the query did not update any rows)
  • metadata field contains information about the columns returned by the query
  • data field contains the results of the query
  • is_done field indicates whether the query has finished executing
  • success field indicates whether the query was successful.

Configure Connection Details with .ini file

The connection details can be stored in a .ini file and passed directly to SQLJob or PoolJob objects:


Then pass the path to the .ini file and the section name to the SQLJob object:

from mapepire_python.client.sql_job import SQLJob
with SQLJob("./mapepire.ini", section="myserver") as sql_job:
with sql_job.query("select * from sample.employee") as query:
result =

If section is not provided, the first section in the .ini file will be used.

Running Queries

The following examples all assume that the connection details are stored in a .ini file called mapepire.ini in the root of the project.

There are four main ways to run queries using mapepire-python:

  1. Using the SQLJob object to run queries synchronously
  2. Using the PoolJob object to run queries asynchronously
  3. Using the Pool object to run queries “concurrently”
  4. Using PEP 249 Implementation

1. Using the SQLJob object to run queries synchronously

Using python context managers, the SQLJob object can be used to create and run queries synchronously. sql_job and query objects are automatically closed after running the query.

from mapepire_python.client.sql_job import SQLJob
with SQLJob("./mapepire.ini") as sql_job:
with sql_job.query("select * from sample.employee") as query:
result =

Query and run

To create and run a query in a single step, use the query_and_run method:

from mapepire_python.client.sql_job import SQLJob
with SQLJob("./mapepire.ini") as sql_job:
# query automatically closed after running
results = sql_job.query_and_run("select * from sample.employee", rows_to_fetch=1)

2. Using the PoolJob object to run queries asynchronously

The PoolJob object can be used to create and run queries asynchronously:

import asyncio
from mapepire_python.pool.pool_job import PoolJob
async def main():
async with PoolJob("./mapepire.ini") as pool_job:
async with pool_job.query('select * from sample.employee') as query:
res = await
if __name__ == '__main__':

To run a create and run a query asynchronously in a single step, use the query_and_run method:

import asyncio
from mapepire_python.pool.pool_job import PoolJob
async def main():
async with PoolJob("./mapepire.ini") as pool_job:
res = await pool_job.query_and_run("select * from sample.employee", rows_to_fetch=1)
if __name__ == '__main__':

3. Using the Pool object to run queries “concurrently”

The Pool object can be used to create a pool of PoolJob objects to run queries concurrently.

import asyncio
from mapepire_python.pool.pool_client import Pool, PoolOptions
async def main():
async with Pool(
) as pool:
job_names = []
resultsA = await asyncio.gather(
pool.execute('values (job_name)'),
pool.execute('values (job_name)'),
pool.execute('values (job_name)')
job_names = [res['data'][0]['00001'] for res in resultsA]
if __name__ == '__main__':

This script will create a pool of 3 PoolJob objects and run the query values (job_name) concurrently. The results will be printed to the console.

Terminal window

4. Using PEP 249 Implementation

PEP 249 is the Python Database API Specification v2.0. The mapepire-python client provides a PEP 249 implementation that allows you to use the Connection and Cursor objects to interact with the Mapepire server. Like the examples above, we can pass the mapepire.ini file to the connect function to create a connection to the server:

from mapepire_python import connect
with connect("./mapepire.ini") as conn:
with conn.execute("select * from sample.employee") as cursor:
result = cursor.fetchone()

fetchmany() and fetchall() methods

The Cursor object provides the fetchmany() and fetchall() methods to fetch multiple rows from the result set:

with connect("./mapepire.ini") as conn:
with conn.execute("select * from sample.employee") as cursor:
results = cursor.fetchmany(size=2)

with connect("./mapepire.ini") as conn:
with conn.execute("select * from sample.employee") as cursor:
results = cursor.fetchall()

PEP 249 Asynchronous Implementation

The PEP 249 implementation also provides an asynchronous interface for running queries. The connect function returns an asynchronous context manager that can be used with the async with statement:

import asyncio
from mapepire_python.asycnio import connect
async def main():
async with connect("./mapepire.ini") as conn:
async with await conn.execute("select * from sample.employee") as cursor:
result = await cursor.fetchone()
if __name__ == '__main__':

Allow all certificates

On the DaemonServer interface, the ignoreUnauthorized set to true will allow either self-signed certificates or certificates from a CA.