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Why Mapepire?

Mapepire (pronounced ‘mapəpɪə’ or ‘MAH-pup-ee’) is a database access layer written on top of secure web sockets. It was built to make developing modern applications in .NET Core, Node.js, PHP, and the likes, easier when using Db2 for i.

🎉🎉 As of August 30, 2024, Mapepire is now available as a Technology Preview! 🎉🎉

The core tenets of Mapepire’s design include:

  • A consistent client SDK across languages
  • Minimal dependencies
  • No native dependencies (for instance, drivers) needed on the client machine
  • Communication to the server is done through a single port
  • Data is always encrypted

Mapepire an ideal choice for deployment of cloud-native applications, running seamlessly in Red Hat UBI deployments, Alpine Linux containers, and the magnitude of cloud services available (like IBM Cloud, IBM, Vercel, AWS, or Azure).

Simply put: Mapepire clients can be deployed anywhere!

Mapepire vs. JDBC and ODBC

Needs only a single port
Data is always encrypted
Manageable via system exit points
Enhanced CCSID support
Runs in Jupyter notebooks
Runs in lightweight containers (for instance Alpine Linux)
Directly supports multiple client languages