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SSH port redirection

SSH port redirection for connections through firewall to remote mapepire-server

When mapepire-js runs on a workstation and connects to mapepire-server running on a remote host that is behind a firewall, you can use Secure Shell (SSH) port redirection as a means to connect through the firewall.

Assuming mapepire-server is running on port 8076 on and appears on that server’s localhost TCP/IP interface, you can redirect the remote 8076 port to a local port (let’s say, 8081 on localhost) as follows:

Terminal window
ssh -L8081:localhost:8076 -l myuserid

The “localhost” bind specification here refers to the localhost interface on the server side. The “localhost” bind specification for the local workstation is implicit in the absence of a bind address specification preceding the local port number. (See the OpenSSH manual for the ssh command).

If mapepire-server only appears on the public interface of the remote server, try:

Terminal window
ssh -l myuserid

In either case, the workstation localhost port 8081 will be a redirect to the remote server’s port 8076.